Looking for a good book for teens? Even if you aren’t, here’s one that might be worth your while. Do Hard Things is a best selling book for teenagers. It is written by Alex and Brett Harris, the twin sons of Christian and Homeschool pioneer Greg Harris. Alex and Brett are teenagers who are sold out for Christ, and they give us an awesome and inspiring message of making a difference while you are young. Beginning with a foreword penned by Chuck Norris’s fist, and packed with real life stories of committed teens making a difference in their worlds, Do Hard Things will challenge you wherever you are, and show the way to do something hard!

“Most people don’t expect you to understand what we’re going to tell you in this book. And even if you understand, they don’t expect you to care. And even if you care, they don’t expect you to do anything about it. And even if you do something about it, they don’t expect it to last.” Whew! Take a moment to think about that! Those are the first words of chapter 1, and it sums up the entire message of overcoming low expectations.  

Have you ever felt that no one takes you seriously just because you’re a teenager? They don’t. Not only that, most people don’t expect much from teenagers. As a result, it’s easy for many to ride through the teen years without having to do too much. Even schools are dropping their expectations of teenagers. Do Hard Things offers an alternative to that. It shows you how to use your teen years “not as a vacation from responsibility, but as a launching pad for the rest of our lives.”  

The most amazing thing about the book is its perspective. It is filled with an overpowering sense of encouragement and empowerment from teenagers themselves, showing that it is possible to go against the flow of the popular culture. They take the concept of rebellion and revolution, and apply it to the rebellious attitude of teen life today. The Rebelution as they call it, is a teenage rebellion against low expectations, and a revolutionary return to biblical authority, and character. That is what ‘hard things’ are: actions that challenge us, build our character, and make us stronger.   

So what is a hard thing for you? No matter where you are, there is always something you can do to grow stronger, or learn more. Your hard thing could be something that most people would not expect you to do. Whatever it could be, this book will give you the ideas you need to find your challenge, and the mindset you need to challenge the world! Do Hard Things is a fantastic book, and if you’re willing to spend the $9.70 (plus $3.99 shipping and handling) on Amazon, and read through this book, I think you’ll be well on your way to overcoming society’s low expectations!


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